
Danilo Sorrentino
Head of Vehicle-Track Interaction Section
Danilo Sorrentino received his double degree M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA Paris) in 2016. He was also a Visiting Researcher at TU Delft in the Netherlands in 2014. In his master’s thesis, he realized the design study and the optimization of an innovative broadband vibration absorber for future vehicles at Stellantis (formerly PSA Group).
He is currently the Head of Vehicle-Track Interaction Section at SNCF Réseau (Industrial and Engineering General Management) and is the youngest international expert within SNCF Group (Synapses network, level 3 out of 4). He first joined SNCF Réseau as Project Manager in railway dynamics and has managed several national/international projects while improving advanced industrial techniques based on the use of multi-body simulation.
He is also member of CEN (European Committee for Standardization) standard groups (TC256/WG10 and WG55), UIC TTI Sector, board member at University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC - Sorbonne University Alliance -Department of Mechanical Engineering). and a lecturer at École Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile (ESTACA).
Presently, he leads the UIC Harmotrack project which aims to improve the use of dynamic measurements to monitor the track quality. The Harmotrack project in an international collaborative project with more than 200 international experts from 70 international railway companies and academic institutions, across 6 continents.