// identify with email mootrack('identify', 'john@doe.com'); // identify with email and name // commented out as you need to choose one of these calls only //mootrack('identify', 'john@doe.com', 'John Doe');
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Rail Infrastructure Asset Management

Rail Infrastructure 
Asset Management Summit

Live on 9th -10th June 2021

Or Available On-Demand


Speaker Details

Rail Infrastructure Asset Management

Henk Samson

Senior Programme Manager Business Development & Innovation, Strukton Rail

Henk is Senior Programme Manager Innovation at Strukton Rail. He is responsible for the participation of Strukton Rail in collaborative innovation projects, most likely in a European context. Focus on R&D and innovation projects with an emphasis on asset management and further mechanisation and robotisation of the work in the rail sector.
Current roles are:
• programme manager / coordinator Shift2Rail activities of Strukton
• member of the Governing Board of Shift2Rail
• member of the IP3 steering group Shift2Rail and TD leader
• representative of Strukton as a Candidate Founding Member of the ERJU
(European Rail Joint Undertaking, successor of the Shift2Rail programme)

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